Support & Outreach Services

Apostolate of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
The Apostolate of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is an International Association of Lay Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament

Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement in the Diocese of Derry exists to praise and glorify God and to promote and serve a more vibrant faith community in the Diocese.

COR is a Catholic youth movement for secondary school year groups 11 & 12 that exists to provide for its members a forum for sharing their faith without judgement.

The Cursillo Movement is an international evangelical movement composed of lay people from all walks of life.

Formed in 1985, Derry Search Youth Group run a religious programme recognising the importance of creating time to understand the Social, Physical, Emotional and Educational needs of young people.

St Joseph's Young Priests Society
St Joseph's Young Priest's Society exists to help student clerics on their journey to Priesthood.

Youth 2000
Youth 2000 is an international movement of young people called to spread the Good News of the Catholic faith and share this experience with other young people.

Columba House
Columba House offers a quiet space for meditation in The Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Pastoral Counselling, Listening Ear and Prayer for Healing.

St Anthony’s Retreat Centre

White Oaks Rehabilitation Centre

IOSAS Centre (Island of Saints and Scholars)
A prayer garden for individual and group pilgrimage, for prayer and reflection and honouring the men and women of Ireland's Golden Age.

Programmes may be facilitated in the new community conference hall nearby to assist with healing, community relations and personal development.

Apostolic Work Society

Laudato Si Care for our Common Home

Legion Of Mary

Order Of Malta Ambulance Corps
The Order of Malta Ambulance Corps is operated entirely by volunteers with the support of a small administration staff at head office.

Order of The Knights of St Columbanus

Pastoral Centres

Pioneer Association

Society of St Vincent De Paul


Thornhill Ministries
Thornhill Ministries provides a Prayer Guidance Ministry throughout the diocese.

Towards Healing

Towards Peace
Towards Peace is a new spiritual support service that has been set up to assist those who were abused by Church personnel.

Trócaire is an agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference. It is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.